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BSc, A Dip PMS

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  Lawrence Tam

Lawrence Tam is a Partner of DPI Transitions Asia.  He brings 30 years of senior management experience from leading multinationals including Philips, DuPont, Digital Computer, Panasonic and the Kanthal-Hognas Group.

Lawrence has a successful track record in selling automation and related products to a wide spectrum of electronic industries in consumer, automobile and medical electronics. His major achievements included setting up the HK / PRC regional office for the Philips EMT (Electronic Manufacturing Technology ) business, and achieve double-digit grow in sales and profit, while significantly expanded product application by including advanced packaging for the semiconductor back end market. In operations, Lawrence successfully took over the management of a business in Sydney distributing computer hard disk for 2 years.  He later established the high profile Kanthal/Shougang Steel JV in Beijing for heat resisting materials for the home appliance industry.

Lawrence obtained a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering from Australia and an Advanced Diploma in Professional Management Studies.  He is involved in many NGO activities including leading and facilitating career development and team dynamics study groups. 

Room 702, 7/F,
V Heun Building,
138 Queen’s Road Central, 
Hong Kong

T: +852 2810 0360
F: +852 2543 2866 

Corporate experience: